02 May 2011

"Yer Hairs: From Faux Hawks to Pixie Cuts" - Post-Production

After hunting down some of my closest friends in order to gather some pretty fresh "hair" footage, the video is complete. I am pretty proud of my video, really, I am. I worked hard in selecting the best candidates for the job. Friends of mine that are very different from each other, that have very diverse looks, not only when it comes to their hair, but in general. All of my friends have extremely different personalities anyway, so that helped to make a very dynamic video.

All in all, I wouldn't say that the video project was difficult. I would say in short, it just took a good time management. It was up to us as students to set aside the time to get out there and shoot the footage that we needed. Not only did we have to align our schedules properly with those that we got footage of, but we had to do out best to make the footage that we were able to get, work best for our video.

I learned so much about iMovie and the ability to edit something that may seem set in stone. That was one really nice feature that I found very useful in doing the project. There were some parts of my footage that were too loud and others that were just way to quite. But, with the help of some research and playing around with iMovie, I was really able to put my own spin on the footage that I shot and add some really great final touches.

I've yet to show my friends that helped me create this video the final project. But I can't wait to do so. Many of them, if not all, have already asked me about it. They're just as enthusiastic about seeing the final product as they were about actually being in the video in the first place. I was lucky enough to have a group of people by my side that were willing from the very beginning to help out and be apart of such a cool project.

Abstract Portraiture.

When it comes to being able to identify myself for others, that’s where my artwork comes in to play. I mainly work with portraiture, abstracly. Ever since I began painting, I have been working on perfecting the portrait, self-portrait especially. But, not in a way that has been done before or that is traditional. I work with a lot of abstract imagery like pixalation, distortion, life-size and/or miniature. I am currently in progress with a series of art deco inspired self-portraits that have a bit of a 50’s pin-up girl like twist. I’ve yet to settle on exactly where I want to go with the concept, but I do know that I want to create a challenge for myself because I really think that as an artist, self-portraits are one of the concepts that we should be constatnly perfecting. When I say perfecting, I don’t mean creating them so that each and everyone turns out a certain way, but I mean developing them to the point where we’ve tried all kinds of ways to create images of our true self until we feel we’ve reached the highest peak, and even then, continue on. We are ever changing human beings, no matter how much we feel as though we’ve “found our true self”, there is always some growth to be done, so why put a standstill to said growth and its continuous process.